Web excursions: July 12, 2011 - July 27, 2011
Links of interest from July 12, 2011 through July 27, 2011:
- Hackinations: 5 really good Lion tweaks – TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog
- Some great Lion tweaks from Erica Sadun. For the most part I prefer to just get used to the way things are, but these cover some details that do actually bug the hell out of me.
- Calculate Browser Scrollbar Width
- Great jQuery trick from Jonathan Sharp for finding the width of the scrollbar in any given browser.
- Red Sweater Blog – Picking Off iCal’s Paper Bits
- In case the torn edges in Lion’s iCal are bugging you…
- 6 Methods For Vertical Centering With CSS – Van SEO Design
- I’m partial to negative margins, but that’s just me. Some great info.
- jQuery.fn.each vs. jQuery.fn.quickEach
- Check out the live test results on this optimization for the jQuery each() function.