Web excursions: April 2 - April 3
Links of interest from April 2 through April 3:
- Ceaser - CSS Easing Animation Tool - Matthew Lein
- A tool to generate code for custom easing in CSS3 animations. Not only a time-saver, it makes possible things I didn’t even know I could do.
- CSS Typography: Examples and Tools
- Huge roundup of CSS typography tools and examples.
- EasyMotion - Vim motions on speed! : vim online
- Jump around! Jump around!
- jQuery Waypoints
- Given that our lives revolve around scrolling as much as they do, this jQuery plugin has some great possibilities for improving experiences.
- Mac OS X Screencasts - Scrivener
- Some more great screencasts about Scrivener, these from Andreas Zeitler. I think Scrivener should get an award for facilitating so much harmony among nerds.