Marked 2 updates: Highland 2 and more
I’ve kept my promise of shipping smaller updates to Marked 2 more frequently. Marked is now at 2.5.21, so here’s a rundown of what’s new in the last 5 updates.
First, a bunch of fixes. I’m fixing every day.
New support for hover preview of footnotes rendered by Pandoc instead of the built-in processors.
Improved support for Highland 2 and Fountain text. Marked can once again open Highland files natively and update automatically on save.
Improved support for MarsEdit, and Marked can now open MindNode files regardless of whether you save them in Single or Package format.
A new option that will really only pertain to coders: “Only syntax highlight when language is specified.” This mimics the behavior of some other platforms, and only applies to fenced code blocks. All indented code blocks will still get syntax highlighting. If you enable this option under Preferences->Style, a fenced code block with a(ny) language specified will get syntax highlighting, e.g.
let usWriteSomeJavaScript = "ok";
If the opening fence doesn’t have alphanumeric characters after it (and no language is specified using Markdown Extra syntax), the code will be ignored when highlighting.
I also updated the internal MathJax library, and Leanpub syntax will now work in every document if it’s enabled (Preferences->Apps). Previously it was only rendered if the current document was “Book.txt”.
Please enjoy the latest updates with my regards. If you’re updating through the automatic updater (Marked->Check for Updates), read all the way through the release notes, it’ll be worth it. Trust me.
To get Marked 2, visit and grab the free trial! (Also available on Setapp and the Mac App Store).