Stuff I do when I’m not here
I haven’t been announcing my podcasts and appearances the way I used to. I really should, there have been a lot of fun things happening. First, I was on Philip Mozolak and Christopher Radliff’s podcast Preservation State along with Jason Snell. It was a fun conversation. I don’t even remember how I met Philip now, but he’s a great guy and I enjoy our conversations. And our Super Stickman Golf 2 games.
Next, I chatted with Ryan Irelan from Mijingo for his CMS Chronicles series. We talked, of course, about Jekyll and some of the crazy things I do with it. You can find the episode here.
Systematic has been a blast lately. Following the first three parts of the John Roderick saga (which will be continuing next week), I’ve had some great guests. Director, actor, and writer David Wain came back and we got a chance to talk more about his career story. I think the storytelling episodes are appealing enough to me that the Systematic format may be moving in that direction. I’m open to input on that.
I also had a great time talking once again with Dr. Pam Peeke about technology addiction, Mike Rohde about Sketchnoting, and online dating coach Virginia Roberts about relationships in the digital world.
Overtired, the show I do with Christina Warren, is growing and developing. It’s very random, and that’s why I’m enjoying it. I’m not sure where it’s headed yet, but it’s a fun ride if you haven’t already checked it out.
I also owe everybody a post on my thoughts about creating podcasts while not listening to podcasts. I talk about it a little bit on the most recent Overtired, which should be up today. I’m still figuring it out myself, but have made a resolution to start listening to more of the smart people doing smart things out there.
If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to podcasting, from planning through editing and publishing, The Successful Podcasting courses from Aaron Dowd are now available as a part of a subscription to $99/month gets you access to Successful Podcasting, the Logic and GarageBand courses, and a whole bunch of other great courses on If you want to expand your skills, check it out!