Ask the nerds: NerdQuery
I’m honored to be included in a selective search engine called NerdQuery, put together by Gabe Weatherhead (MacDrifter) and designed by Erik Hess (@themindfulbit) of high90. With a custom-built index honed for accurate searches, NerdQuery scans across a few of the nerdiest sites to find the post you’re looking for:
- Clark’s Tech Blog
- Dr. Bunsen
- Dr. Drang
- Macdrifter
- Veritrope
- Better Mess
- Simplicity is Bliss
Next time you think someone might have already solved the problem you need an answer to, check out NerdQuery first. It’s especially handy for those posts you know you saw but didn’t need at the time, only to lose track of when you get around to putting it to use. You can try it out right now at, and see Gabe’s post for more information and background.