The next nvALT 2.2 beta is here!
The next beta of nvALT 2.2 is ready for automatic update (for users already on the beta), or for download below. We received some great contributions from the community and there’s a lot of new goodness (and bugfixes) in this release. Special thanks to:
- snowyu
- Matthew Cave
- Wes Campaigne
- Sungjoo Ha
We’re quite close to putting an official version number on this and releasing it on the main channel. It’s very stable and it’s highly recommended that if you’re using 2.1, you download this version. It’s on a separate update channel right now, so you’ll get automatic updates for new beta releases but you can’t update from 2.1 to 2.2b. Download and install and you’re good to go.
nvALT v2.2.8 (128)
A fork of Notational Velocity with MultiMarkdown preview and advanced Markdown editing capabilities. Other good stuff.
Published 06/08/13.
Updated 09/19/17. Changelog
Here’s a quick list of the fixes and changes:
- fix crash when importing URLs
- Add nv url handler
- fix behavior when clicking external links in Preview
- Preview scroll position fix
- Improvements to System Services
- Enable auto-continuation of Markdown lists in instances where the bullet is not preceded by white
- Fixed bugs in list continuation
- Scan for @done tags in the middle of lines
- allow @done(2013-01-11) style dated tags
- fixed exception with Press-and-hold character insertion
- Updated TaskPaper script for newer Ruby versions
- added nvALT wikilink recognition to TaskPaper view
- Fix to import URLs of pages that contain non-ascii characters properly
- Changed bookmark panel from HUD to utility panel,
- fix for sync progress indicator overlapping fullscreen
- New menubar icon
Previous release notes are here. As always, the source is up on Github and you can leave bug reports on the issues page. Contributions, forks and pull requests are all welcome and encouraged.