A drag and drop PodTagger for easy MP3 podcast tagging

Over the weekend I made some updates to PodTagger. This is one project that I’m not certain anybody else is using, but it’s one I’m finding really useful.
Recap: PodTagger lets you set up default tags for your podcast(s) and then add custom fields to Markdown show notes to automatically tag your MP3 files for upload. Title, summary, description, artist, network, image… all ready to go. I use a TextExpander fill-in to include the headers in my show notes file, so finalizing my podcast files is just a quick Terminal command.
I wanted drag and drop, though, so I’ve updated the downloads with an app version you can keep in your Dock and drag to (or call with Alfred/LaunchBar). It’s just a simple wrapper made with Platypus and some changes to the script to make the output nicer. As a bonus, the app version has mutagen
embedded, so there are no external dependencies. It still uses a YAML configuration file, now located in ~/.config/podtagger/podtagger.yaml
Additional details for the update are in the changelog on the project page.
If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to podcasting, from planning through editing and publishing, The Successful Podcasting courses from Aaron Dowd are now available as a part of a subscription to seanwes.com. $99/month gets you access to Successful Podcasting, the Logic and GarageBand courses, and a whole bunch of other great courses on seanwes.com. If you want to expand your skills, check it out!